Lots Of Safety Yellow

We recently started a job at one of the MUD facilities in Omaha. Metropolitan Utilities District. They are great to work for. This time we are prepping and painting lots of exterior steel. Lots of safety yellow. Much of it can be sanded and painted but some of it will need to be sandblasted. The sandblasting is scheduled for this weekend 10/10/20. There should be much less traffic at the facility on the weekend. The fewer people around when sandblasting the better.

For this project we are using PPG Pitt-Tech. A very good direct to metal coating. We have purchased factory mix safety yellow. That being the case it will still take several coats of paint for proper coverage. Which we would do anyhow.

Safety Yellow
MUD job site

Of course this time of the year we keep an eye on the weather. The forecasts look good through the anticipated completion date. It has been rather cold in the morning though.

I get to do most of the sandblasting. Fun fun. This is always a two man gig so should be able to get some photos.


We went through 2100 Lbs of blast media. A lot more then I thought we would. Had a few issues. We had quite a few clogs in the blast line and one of the times my foreman was clearing it there was still pressure in the line and the coupling blew; he hamburgered the back of his hand.

We had quite a few rocks in the bags of media, so I got pelted several times as the rocks bounced back and hit me. Ouch. One rock took out a window in our work truck even though it was many feet away.

I taped up the window but it still blew inward when on the road. Glass everywhere.

The blasting is done and painting the rest of the safety yellow will be done by tomorrow.

blasting off the old safety yellow
ready for safety yellow