Rejuvenate Old Masking Tape

I’m very picky when it comes to tape. When I am out and about, if I happen to see what looks like a quality painters tape I will buy and check it out. I believe you get what you pay for and tape is no exception. We have some additional posts here that discuss tape and what to look for and what are my favorites.

rejuvenate old masking tape

So assuming you have previously purchased a quality tape but have discovered that it is not coming off the roll easily it may be that the tape is a little old. Sometimes if tape is subject to temperature extremes it can cause problems with it coming off the roll a bit hard as well. This is common when tape is left in a vehicle, like a painters work vehicle.

Rejuvenate old masking tape the easy way! It is very easy. All you need do is put a piece of paper towel in a microwave and place the roll of tape on the paper towel. Microwave for about 10 seconds. This softens the glue on the roll and makes it much easier to dispense!