3 Reasons Why You Should Paint

Bank For The Buck

Painting is one of the most cost effective improvements you can make to your home. Material expense is minimal and labor rates are very reasonable. If you choose to paint yourself, you will save that expense as well. It is very easy to breathe new life into an old space and the change is fast. You can completely change the mood and feel of your space with ease. If you don’t feel like taking on painting all of your home, you can get dramatic results with simply doing an accent wall.

Color Choices

painting app. color muse a color matching device

There is such a vast array of color choices available. Today we have tools at our disposal that were not available ten years ago. There are computer programs available at many of the major paint manufactures websites. Using these you can see what different colors will look like on or in your home. There are apps for your smart phone that will do the same thing. One device that is very interesting is color muse . It accurately measures and matches colors from almost anything like flooring, fabrics, paint, etc. The days of struggling to match a color are over.

Increase Value

Painting is the easiest way to increase the value of your home and help to maintain that value. Painting the exterior of your home not only protects and maintains your investment, it instantly boosts your homes curb appeal. Home values are soaring these days. Painting the interior or exterior of your home, and possibly changing the colors, puts you in a position to both enjoy the improvement and be prepared for an eventual sale.