Color Tracking

Color tracking can be a challenge on any job. On larger commercial projects it can become a nightmare. We have been on large projects that have different colors on almost every wall. As tough as that is to figure out, what is even harder is when a project is completed and occupied and you need to go touch something up. We normally retain the blue prints and color specifications but it doesn’t make things any easier.

You can run into the same problem on your home to a lesser extent. Something we like to do is record all the paint information on a small card and also put a small color sample on it as well. We then take that card and place it behind a light switch for each wall that has a different product on it. When it is time to touch something up or get more paint the information is available behind a light switch.

color tracking

You will need to trim or fold the card or paper to make it fit. We don’t place these behind cover plates that are on dimmer switches. Those things get pretty hot. Maybe not hot enough to start a fire, but hot enough. No need to be waking up at three in the morning thinking about that piece of paper.