Four Quick Painting Projects


If you have lived in your home for awhile it is easy to get used to the same old look. When you consider repainting it sometimes becomes overwhelming to consider a “painting project”. Here are four quick painting projects that you can consider to quickly change the look and feel inside your home. Just pick one as a possible kick start to possibly something more.


The doors inside your home take a beating. It is easy to overlook the wear and tear they take. Stop for a moment and really look at them. Repainting them the same color again will be easier and still have a nice clean updated look. Have you considered changing the color? If you think you might like a different color, I would suggest starting with your front door. A nice bright front door draws attention and makes a homes appearance really pop.

Hopefully you have kept track of the paints inside your home. Get a new gallon, get your paint supplies together and spend a day getting those doors updated.


Bathrooms like doors take a beating. Since these are high moisture environments, take a look at the condition of the drywall around the shower and tub. If it looks like it may need some work you may want to pass and let a professional paint contractor take care of it.

If it looks good and sound then painting a bathroom is generally not a major undertaking and you can get a lot of bang for the buck. Pick a bold color and go for it. I would suggest going with a higher sheen paint. A satin is a good choice.


Most kitchens can be repainted by a homeowner in a weekend. The idea is about change so you don’t have to have the “perfect” color. Just pick something you like. The kitchen is the rally point for most families so you might want to have a consensus on the color.

Accent Wall

Perhaps the quickest and easiest of the four quick painting projects is the accent wall. A good choice for a accent wall is one that your eyes are naturally drawn too. Perhaps a wall with a fireplace, A dominant wall in a room, A wall with natural breaks in it that lend to it being an accent wall. Perhaps the wall space above your cabinets in the kitchen. Once you have an accent wall you can pick a wall hanging, etc. that will help with the accent.