Get The Look You Want

How A Professional Painting Contractor Can Help You To Get The Look You Want

Hiring an experienced Omaha painting contractor to help you take care of your home décor is always a great decision. If you don’t hire an experienced professional to start with, you may end up having to hire a professional in the end to fix it anyhow. Some of the things that could go wrong include drips, runs, spills, poor prep work, etc.

Poor prep work is the most common problem people experience when hiring an unknown Paint Contractor.

Of course, when you hire us at The Painting Company, you know that we will always give you the benefit of decades of experience.

get the look you want

We provide custom color consulataions, written detailed estimates, references, photos of previous work, proof of liability and workman compensation insurance, our best recommendations for paints, stains, special coatings and we have the knowledge to apply those coatings in the best manner to the highest standards.

We love a challenge and strive to provide the Best Service possible to our customers. We believe that honesty and integrity are essential elements to a successful business. We are passionate. Honest and dependable. Always improving.