Interesting Paint Products

Interesting paint products come and go all the time. There must be an inventive mind set with many painters or supply manufactures. I am amazed and sometimes jealous at the interesting paint products I see from time. Jealous because I sometimes wish I came up with the idea. I also get a good laugh sometimes with some of the more crazy or useless stuff.


I have used this product and in fact I usually have a roll or two in my tape bucket. It is a high quality product and it does what it is suppose to. It takes a little getting use to when taping but the learning curve is pretty short. It is a paper with a bead of polyurethane gel running the length. The gel fills any gaps or imperfections on a wall so you can get a straight paint edge and the gel forms a tight seal on things like baseboards. SnotTape works well, just don’t use some that you have had around for a long time as it will dry out.

Interesting Paint Products SnotTape

Ionic Paint

This is a real interesting one. I have not tried it and I’m not sure if I will but it’s something worth some thought. It is a paint additive composed of “rare earth” elements that apparently gives the paint a charge that when combined with natural air movement in a room, cleans the air. It goes by the name Ionic Paint additive. There are two versions apparently. One for regular odors and one for stronger odors like animal urine. Here is a video explaining the idea and process. If you try it, tell me what you think of it.