Interesting Paint Products III

Interesting Paint Products III. The continuing look at the new and interesting paint products available in stores and online.

Painters Pyramid

These raise the surface of what you are painting with minimal contact with the painted surface. A good idea. There are other ways to achieve the same thing, but these are inexpensive and convenient. You can normally find a ten pack for under $10.00

paint products. painters pyramid




Kosmic Krome

In a nutshell, this is a “paint” that you can use to “chrome” a surface. The manufacture has several different types of coatings you can use to achieve many different effects. This stuff is aimed at the after market automotive industry but I’m waiting for a clever paint contractor to offer it as a neat effect for a business or homeowner.

paint products. Kosmic krome

Good-Bye Cracks

This is a good product. It really works. If you have a recurring crack problem or you just want to repair a crack only once, give this stuff a shot. You repair the crack in the normal way, using drywall tape and mud, then after priming you give the area a few sprays of this stuff to form an elastomeric film between the crack area and the top coat.

paint products. good-bye cracks