Metal Handrails

painted metal handrails

Metal Handrails can pose a challenge whether they are interior or exterior handrails. Exterior handrails are obviously subject to more wear and tear and need more maintenance but interior metal handrails can pose their own set of challenges.

We just finished an interior commercial stairway that included the handrails. Actually the biggest challenge on this job was matching the paint color. There was no leftover paint and nothing to remove to mtch so it hand to be done on site by eye.It is always a good idea to leave the extra paint on the job when done or at least make a note of the paint formula for the customer for future reference.

The other challenge was that it was several floors of handrails, straight up! Arg.

metal handrails
straight up

We sanded the metal down well to even out the areas where the paint had previously chipped. This also helps with adhesion of the new coating.

sanded handrails
sanding handrails

We then spot primed the exposed metal. We ended up using three coats of finish on this project because the rails were in such bad shape to begin with. We used PITT-TECH DTM as the finish coat. This is a very good industrial enamel. We have used it on several interior and exterior projects.