This is a common question. Should you paint outside in the heat? I am also often asked what the best time of the year is to paint outside. The best time in my opinion is late summer or early fall. The weather is more predictable and there are fewer temperature swings then in the spring.
The most challenging part about painting outside in the heat of summer is flash drying. This will happen if you paint in direct sunlight on a hot day. In direct sunshine, the surface of the house (siding) becomes heated. Paint will flash dry if applied in this situation. I ‘ve seen steam rise from the surface os siding when sprayed in direct sunlight.

When paint dries too rapidly, it causes problems. Allow the paint to set and the solvent (water) to evaporate over time. This helps the paint molecules to align and form a strong coating with high adherence.
If painting is done on a hot summer day, the paint should never be applied in direct sunlight. Painting should always be done on the opposite side of the house from the sun.
In general, painting the exterior of your home in excessively hot weather is not a smart idea. As previously stated, high temperatures can cause paint to dry too rapidly, resulting in drips, streaks, and an uneven surface. It can also make the paint harder to deal with because it is thicker and more difficult to distribute.
It is best to paint the exterior of your home when the temperature is between 50 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit and the humidity is low. This will allow the paint to dry correctly and provide the greatest finish possible. If you must paint in hot weather, do so early in the morning or late in the afternoon when temps are lower and there is less direct sunlight.
Here are some more suggestions for painting outside in the heat.
Prepare the surface: Before you begin painting, make sure your house’s surface is clean and dry. To remove dirt and grime, use a pressure washer and allow the area to dry fully. Sand rough or uneven parts to provide a smooth surface to which the paint will adhere.
Use the appropriate paint: Select a paint that is specifically designed for external use and can withstand heat and UV rays. Look for paints with high pigment levels and a long-lasting finish.
Wear protective clothes such as a hat, sunglasses, and long sleeves to shield yourself from the sun. To avoid heat stroke, use sunscreen and take rests in the shade.
Use the proper tools: To reach high places without using a ladder, use a paint roller with a long handle. For tiny areas and corners, use a paintbrush. To achieve a smooth, uniform application, get a high-quality paint tray and roller cover.
Keep your paint fresh: Paint can dry out rapidly in the heat, so keep it covered while not in use. If the paint begins to dry out, thin it down with a tiny bit of water to keep it usable.
Working in small sections: Painting a huge area in the heat can be exhausting, so divide it into smaller sections. This will allow you to concentrate on one region at a time and avoid missing any details.
Is it okay to paint outside in the heat? You can effectively paint your house’s exterior in the heat by following these suggestions.