CHI Health Emergency

4th of July is always a great holiday! Mine sucked. I had two employees that wanted to work, which is great. One called me in the morning and said he sliced his hand and needed help. It wasn’t serious but it did take 7 stitches. The three and a half hours sitting in the ER was horrible but that’s life.

This drives the point of why you want to have workers comp insurance and should insist anyone you have work in your home or business carries the proper insurance.

I worked most of the rest of the day in the office and then got a call that my wife fell down a flight of stairs.

Back to the ER and several hours later. She fractured her foot, hurt her shoulder and was scraped up pretty good.

If you ever want to know how much your wife does in your household, try running things without her.

Hope your 4th was good. I know mine next year will be much better!!