Wrought iron is made by repeatedly heating and working the iron over and over. This process makes the iron very strong and also expensive. We are in the process of cleaning, prepping, priming and painting hundreds of sections of Wrought iron fencing. Wrought iron fence painting is a good example of why the prep work is so important.

The fence sections are very heavy so we need a minimum of two guys to move each one. We use stands to keep the sections upright. First thing we do is use a commercial degreaser. We liberally spray the iron down and wipe it clean. This will remove oil and contaminants from the manufacture process. We use a special degreaser from a local automotive supply house. The nice thing about it is it’s solvent based so it will evaporate off the wrought iron and does not need rinsing.
Then we caulk all the various sections. Where the verticals meet the horizontals. This takes more time then you realize.
The primer we use is a two component high performance urethane and the finish is a high performance urethane as well.. This is a very durable but expensive system. Many years of exterior exposure are to be expected with the system we are using.