Commercial painting is a large percentage of what we do. When doing work for a business it is sometimes necessary to do the work when they are closed. This is usually done to accommodate the customer or employees. We would be in their way or they would be in ours. Sometimes this is done for safety reasons. For example we did a lot of sandblasting at MUD over a weekend once when the staffing was at a minimum for safety reasons.
When doing work in the off hours many additional things need to be taken into consideration. It is always a good idea to have all necessary equipment and supplies to do the job. When working at night or when your supplier is closed it is especially important to have all the bases covered. You can’t run to the store to pick something up that was forgotten. Sometimes your supplier may be open but it’s not possible to leave the jobsite. The MUD job previously mentioned is a good example. We were locked in a secure facility so leaving was an issue unless a call was made first.
Crew members usually have an problems with working at night or a weekend. Overtime pay, meals, or whatever bribe you have is often needed.
We did interior work at a Vet clinic recently and we were there both during business hours and when they were closed. When they were closed we had run of the facility but leaving was not possible because that would leave the facility open to anyone. We had no way to lock things up if we left. We had to make sure we had all necessary supplies, lunch…

We currently have many commercial painting jobs lined up for 2022. A couple hotel remodels and many commercial tenant buildouts.